Learn Latin
LatinPerDiem (LPD) strives to create accessible, easy to understand instruction on the Latin (and sometimes Greek) language, using examples from both renowned and historically important works as well as relatively obscure source material you may have never heard of.
How to Use LatinPerDiem
We believe we can help you acquire an extensive knowledge of the Latin language. Watch Dr. Noe explain how to use the LPD site and some quick tips for how to make the most of LPD video offerings.
Why Learn Latin With Us?
Quality and Depth of Analysis
Nearly every word, every phrase, and every construction is explained and analyzed so that you can gain a true understanding of the material.
Real-Life Context
Exemplum regulam praecedit – show them, don’t just tell them!
Our pedagogical philosophy is that people learn language best when they see real-life uses in context, not merely abstractions. We provide Latin instruction using actual authors and texts, drawn from 2300 years of the corpus. We cover a variety of great authors of the Latin corpus, including Cicero, Caesar, Vergil, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Erasmus, Theodore Beza, and other Protestant Reformers.
Over 27 Years of Teaching Experience
Dr. David C. Noe is an international pedagogue with more than 27 years teaching Greek and Latina, and an experienced translator of Reformation and Post-Reformation works.
Learn more about Dr. Noe here.
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What Our Learners Say
It was a rewarding experience reading Cicero’s Pro Archia with Professor Noe. He was very patient in guiding us through the text and never forgot to point out the style, mode, and sometimes musicality of Cicero’s Latin. What I learned from him served me well in my own study of Cicero for my graduate Latin reading exam.
In my search for available material, I found LatinPerDiem, and it was like finding a treasure. The videos are short and full of information, not only with correct pronunciation, but also vocabulary, grammar and even context of each author. The range of authors covered, from the classics to the reformers, allows an understanding of how the language develops and how it is used in different contexts. Professor David has a simple and consistent didactic, which really teaches the student how to think the language, and not only translate automatically without reflection.
LatinPerDiem is a lifesaver! The short daily lessons, clear explanations, and variety of texts make the program ideal for a busy high schooler. My younger siblings regularly ask to watch the videos with me, and Dr. Noe’s videos cater to each of our knowledge levels. I was very pleasantly surprised to find such professional work available for free.
LatinPerDiem is a refreshing use of technology in the service of humanistic education. My favorite aspect of the video series is Professor Noe’s commitment to clear and meticulous analysis of Greek and Latin texts. His explanations are accessible to new readers, yet still instructive for those with more experience. Another exciting offering is the LatinPerDiem summer reading group, which provides students of Latin the benefit of experienced and adept supervision. In general, LatinPerDiem provides one an opportunity to become more acquainted with the Western canon (or, for students, to work through one’s reading list) simply by watching a short video every day.
I enjoy learning daily; brevity makes it possible. Syntax, vocabulary and context illumine these texts and give me a taste of the Western tradition in its origins. The whole experience is lots of fun.
LatinPerDiem is a great resource for quick introductions to and explanations of a wide variety of Latin texts. From the “golden oldies” of Cicero and Caesar to authors who tend not to be covered in high school or undergraduate courses such as Theodore Beza and Lactantius, LatinPerDiem is a four-minute treat for anyone interested in the vast corpus of Latin literature.
LatinPerDiem is a great and inspiring enterprise, from which I daily benefit. As a MA student in Theology, I especially appreciate the well-produced episodes from patristic authors, however the selections of the bonae litterae are also worth the time to explore and enjoy!
David Noe has produced a wonderful resource in LatinPer Diem. It is highly recommended for anyone interested in engaging the past, including the Christian tradition in original sources and languages.
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LatinPerDiem (LPD) is committed to bringing high quality, accessible Latin instruction to scholars of all ages around the world.