Our programs are unique. Dr. Noe brings to his instruction more than 30 years of studying and teaching Greek and Latin. His combination of rigor, humor, and thoroughness set him apart from other instructors. In addition, Dr. Noe has developed significant skill in tailoring instruction to students of various levels, since he has everyone from small children and elementary school students, all the way through postgraduate students and professors at the world’s leading universities (Princeton, Harvard, Cambridge, Stanford, Utrecht, etc.)
With Dr. Noe you receive instruction that is precisely suited to your level of competence. No more stumbling and fumbling to gain confidence in the language. Instead, you will receive support from a recognized expert in the field of pedagogy and translation.
Our pedagogical philosophy is that people learn language best when they see real-life uses in context, not merely abstractions. We provide Latin instruction using actual authors and texts, drawn from 2300 years of the corpus. On our youtube channel, we cover a variety of great authors of the Latin corpus, divided into three different eras: Classical, Late Antiquity and Medieval, and Renaissance, Reformation, Post-Reformation. So the , including Cicero, Caesar, Vergil, Augustine, Aquinas Thomas Aquinas, Erasmus, Theodore Beza, and other Protestant Reformers. In addition, we believe that reading Latin and Greek and translating them are different skills. Our in-person courses feature lots of direct interaction with the instructor, answering questions, composing and producing active Greek and Latin, and more. We also believe in rigor. It is better to learn slowly, deeply, and well, to build a strong and steady foundation that is broad and able to withstand the additional weight of knowledge, than to learn rapidly and carelessly, later forgetting what one has learned.
Learn Latin with Dr. David C. Noe via Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata
What you receive in Unit II (Chapters 10-18):
Because the sessions are recorded you can watch them as many times as you would like for up to 1-YEAR and take notes so that you can review material. In addition, during that time you have constant access to Dr. Noe’s expertise and a ready response to all your questions. There’s no longer any reason not to develop a solid and confident foundation in Latin.
Learn Latin with Dr. David C. Noe via Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata
LLPSI Units I & II, Bundle – $530 (SAVE 10%)
2 or more video lessons on each chapter with Dr. Noe’s expert guidance as he interacts with other adult learners.
Because the sessions are recorded you can watch them as many times as you would like for up to 1-YEAR and take notes so that you can review material. In addition, during that time you have constant access to Dr. Noe’s expertise and a ready response to all your questions. There’s no longer any reason not to develop a solid and confident foundation in Latin.
Learn Latin with Dr. David C. Noe via Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata
What you receive in Unit I (Chapters 1-9):
Because the sessions are recorded you can watch them as many times as you would like for up to 1-YEAR and take notes so that you can review material. In addition, during that time you have constant access to Dr. Noe’s expertise and a ready response to all your questions. There’s no longer any reason not to develop a solid and confident foundation in Latin.
This course is an introduction to Attic Greek beginning with the alphabet, syllabification, pronunciation, and reading connected prose using the Moss Reader, selections 1-40.
What’s Included:
All quizzes and exams are graded by Dr. Noe and his team, with personalized feedback to guide your continued growth.
Proven Results
By diligently working through this program, you’ll complete the equivalent of two semesters of college-level Greek. Dr. Noe’s students have consistently excelled in seminary Greek programs and beyond, thanks to the rigor of Moss’ text and the depth of Dr. Noe’s explanations. This program is designed to set you up for success, whether you’re pursuing academic studies, personal enrichment, or professional goals.
Why Choose This Program?
Lay the proper and solid foundation for your understanding of Ancient Greek with a program that combines academic rigor, expert guidance, and practical tools. Enroll today and take the first step toward mastering one of history’s most influential languages!
This course is a continuation of Attic Greek using the Moss Reader, selections 41-80.
All quizzes and exams are graded by Dr. Noe and his team, with personalized feedback to guide your continued growth.
Proven Results
By diligently working through this program, you’ll complete the equivalent of two semesters of college-level Greek. Dr. Noe’s students have consistently excelled in seminary Greek programs and beyond, thanks to the rigor of Moss’ text and the depth of Dr. Noe’s explanations. This program is designed to set you up for success, whether you’re pursuing academic studies, personal enrichment, or professional goals.
Why Choose This Program?
Transform your understanding of Ancient Greek with a program that combines academic rigor, expert guidance, and practical tools. Enroll today and take the first step toward mastering one of history’s most influential languages!
This course is the continuation of a study of De Veris et Visibilibus Ecclesiae Catholicae Notis Tractatio (Treatise on the True and Visible Marks of the Catholic Church)
What you receive as an auditor of this course:
This course is a study of Desiderius Erasmus' Enchirdion Militis Christiani of 1524 (Handbook of the Christian Soldier)
What you receive as an auditor of this course:
This course is a continuation of the study of Cicero’s De Natura Deorum, The Nature of the Gods
What you receive as an auditor of this course:
This course is a continuation of the study of John Calvin’s Institutio Christianae Religionis of 1536 (Institutes of the Christian Religion)
What you receive as an auditor of this course:
This course is a continuation of the study of John Calvin’s Institutio Christianae Religionis of 1536 (Institutes of the Christian Religion)
What you receive as an auditor of this course:
This course is a study of John Calvin’s Institutio Christianae Religionis of 1536 (Institutes of the Christian Religion)
What you receive as an auditor of this course:
This course is Part I of a study of Cicero’s De Natura Deorum, The Nature of the Gods
What you receive as an auditor of this course:
This course is a continuation of the study of De Veris et Visibilibus Ecclesiae Catholicae Notis Tractatio (Treatise on the True and Visible Marks of the Catholic Church)
What you receive as an auditor of this course:
Nearly every word, every phrase, and every construction is explained and analyzed so that you can gain a true understanding of the material.
Dr. David C. Noe is an international pedagogue with more than 30 years teaching Greek and Latin, and an experienced translator of Reformation and Post-Reformation works.
Our pedagogical philosophy is that people learn language best when they see real-life uses in context, not merely abstractions. We provide Latin instruction using actual authors and texts, drawn from 2,300 years of the corpus.
Subscribe for free weekday lessons delivered right to your inbox, or learn at your own pace by choosing a topic from our expansive archives on our youtube channel.
Many people have tried to represent the reasons for studying the Classical Languages. Typical explanations include improved memory, rigor, clarity of thought, test scores, preparedness for careers in law, medicine, and so forth. While all of these have validity, only a pragmatic person would feel the need to justify aesthetic choices in the matter of literature. The Greeks and the Romans wrote some of the most beautiful poetry, philosophy, history and more. They developed systems of rhetoric, architecture, crafted beautiful sculptures, painted breathtaking landscapes, and much more. Studying Greek and Latin gives the student access to these treasures directly, rather than through the medium of someone else’s thought and expression.
It is like kissing the face of the one you love and feeling their soft skin against your lips, breathing in their smell, and feeling their warmth, as opposed to kissing someone through a window pane. There is no comparison. Try and see.
If you’re brand-new to our website, take a look around at our course offerings. If you have never studied Latin before, then you want to begin with our LLPSI Unit I class. This assumes no previous knowledge on the part of the learner. The course begins with pronunciation and gets you confident with reading Latin from the very first day. If you have studied LLPSI before or some other textbook or course, you are still encouraged to begin with Unit I. The reason for this is not to maximize our profit, but to make sure you have the best possible basis for future study. If you are a more advanced student and would like to take one of our MasterClasses, send Dr. Noe an email at [email protected] and he will help you assess your ability level. You can also take one of our many, freely available quizzes: FREE QUIZZES.
There’s a lot of disagreement and discussion about this point, and after many years of teaching our position is that the student should begin with whatever language they want to study first. There’s no reason to take Greek before Latin, or vice versa. And, throughout the past, scholars have studied both languages at the same time. Greek and Latin are close sister languages, and mutually reinforcing. You will notice in Dr. Noe’s Greek instruction much reference to Latin, and much reference to Greek and his Latin courses. The best approach is take what you like and build slowly
No. The key to learning something is to have the right kind of instruction, the right disposition, and to move at the right pace.. Our courses offer all three of these elements, giving you a full year of guided instruction to complete Unit I or Unit II of LLPSI, or Modules I-IV of Moss.
First, you get a well-designed course that has been tried by hundreds of students and is based upon Dr. Noe’s extensive experience as a student and teacher of Greek and Latin for more than 30 years. Second, you get direct interaction with Dr. Noe via email, weekly Zoom conference, and text and phone if so desired. Unlike some of our competitors, each of our courses is taught by someone with a PhD in the discipline. So there’s really no reason not to succeed with this kind of help.
Our courses are designed for everyone from about the age of 10 up to the century mark. Many people who don’t have experience studying Greek and Latin are too quick to try to divide language study into levels and such. This is counterproductive, because language learning, like music or athletics, is an inherently cumulative activity. Our Moss Greek courses have been successfully completed by children as young as 12, and adults as old as 75. The majority of our students in the LLPSI Latin courses are teachers at Classical, Christian, Catholic, and charter schools. There are also many middle school and high school kids who sign up, and retirees.
No. While Dr. Noe does not conceal his Christian convictions, in his classes he cultivates charity and good citizenship, both toward the students and among them. Students who take our courses are from all religious backgrounds and sometimes no religious background.
For Latin, he uses the pronuntiatus restitutus, also known as the Classical pronunciation. Students are not required to use this system in his courses and are free to employ the ecclesiastical or Italianate method. As for Greek, he uses the restored pronunciation there as well, basically Erasmian. Those who want to use the pronunciation of modern Greek are encouraged to do so. His approach is that this discussion is a tempest in a teapot. So long as one is consistent, it makes little difference which pronunciation system is chosen. The goal of his courses is to learn, use, and enjoy the languages, not to argue over whose method is best.
Yes, anyone who successfully finishes a course receives 10% off enrollment in their next course. And, we run multiple sales throughout the year.
Dr. Noe provides high-quality, comprehensive Greek instruction readily available in an inexpensive, expertly-presented, and self-paced format. Go from neophyte to erudite!
LatinPerDiem (LPD) is committed to bringing high quality, accessible Latin instruction to scholars of all ages around the world.