Thomas Aquinas (1225 – March 1274)
An alterpiece of Aquinas, Italian theologian and philosopher
Lesson Series
Click on a title below to get started.
1. Summa Theologica
2. De Ente et Essentia
Summa Theologica (The Heart of Theology)
This theological tour de force forever established Aquinas as a doctor of the church. Its scope and depth is difficult to summarize, as well as its profound influence.
Confessions – Manuscript on vellum. Germany, first half 13th century.
De Ente et Essentia (Being and Essence)
In this less-known work, which predates the Summa Theologica, Aquinas investigates questions of substance and being, drawing from Aristotle as well as important figures in Muslim theology.
The earliest known portrait of Saint Augustine in a 6th-century fresco, Lateran, Rome
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