Learn Latin with Dr. David C. Noe

via Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata

Why should I take this course?

We begin ab initio with the brilliant textbook by Hans Ørberg. This inductive, ground-up model gets you reading expert, connected Latin prose from the very first sentence: Roma in Italia est. It then gradually introduces more vocabulary and ever more sophisticated forms in a natural and delightful way.

Until now the only way to work through a book like this with an expert was to sit in the classroom. For some people this is completely unworkable or threatening and intimidating. Speak Latin on the spot?! No way! Dr. Noe is making this class available so that you can watch as he interacts with real-life students, hearing their mistakes, listening to the corrections, watching their successes, and learning right along. It’s like the ultimate reality TV show but in Latin, kind of like the “can’t fail army”!

Because the sessions are recorded you can watch them as many times as you would like and take notes so that you can review material. In addition, you have constant access to Dr. Noe’s expertise and a ready response to all your questions. There’s no longer any reason not to develop a solid and confident foundation in Latin.

What do I receive in Unit I (Chapters 1-9)


2 or more video lessons on each chapter with Dr. Noe's expert guidance as he interacts with other adult learners.


1 homework assignment for each lesson.


Thorough grammatical explanations in each lesson; learn to speak (and teach) Latin.


1 hour of office time via Zoom with Dr. Noe and other students each week for personalized practice and questions


ACCESS for 1-YEAR to all content, and to Dr. Noe's expertise via email, text, and phone. No getting stuck!


1 quiz per chapter on vocab, forms, and translation, both English to Latin and Latin to English.


A graded summative exam after Chapter 9


Confidence that you're learning from a recognized expert with 28+ years of experience learning and teaching

For whom is this course designed?

The intended audience for this course is anyone who wishes to learn Latin, beginning simply and building a very comprehensive and strong structure. The course is especially well-suited for:

  • Latin Teachers at primary and secondary schools and elsewhere.
  • Homeschool Parents who want to learn Latin alongside their own children and teach them.
  • Graduate school candidates who need Latin proficiency.
  • Undergraduates at an institution which does not offer Latin.
  • Students ages 12-18 in a homeschool, Classical Christian school, or public school setting.
  • Anyone who wants to learn Latin!

What does this course cost? – $295

LatinPerDiem (LPD) is committed to bring high quality, accessible Latin instruction to scholars of all ages around the world.