Tres Mures Caeci

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“Tres Mures Caeci” is a delightful retelling of a classic nursery rhyme in classical Latin, designed specifically for beginners. Featuring vibrant illustrations and simple vocabulary, this engaging story introduces toddlers and beginning readers to the sounds and rhythm of Latin. With accurate Latin checked by experienced scholars, moral lessons woven into the storyline, and helpful translation and glossary sections, children and adults alike can enjoy and learn from this charming tale. Plus, downloadable audio files ensure correct pronunciation, making it an ideal resource for Latin learners of all ages.


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Product Description


Only available in continental US
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Tres Mures Caeci, a Moral Tail in Latin, is a retelling of the classic nursery rhyme in classical Latin for beginners. Featuring full color illustrations and simple vocabulary, Tres Mures Caeci introduces toddlers and beginning readers to the sounds and rhythm of Latin with an engaging and compelling story. Tres Mures Caeci is loaded with friendly features that make it ideal for the beginning reader and experienced instructor alike: Accurate Latin – every phrase and word has been carefully checked by not one but three Latinists, each with a Ph.D. in Classics and more than 50 years of combined experience teaching Latin. Moral Lesson – cowardice is not a virtue, as we all recognize. Tres Mures Caeci shows Mus Contentus not giving in to despair and hopelessness like his brothers Mus Infelix and Mus Miser. Instead, Content Mouse, with no way to resist, decides to make the best of a difficult situation and escape from the farmwife with his capable legs. Vivid Illustrations – veteran cartoonist Michelle Thoburn puts her playful and imaginative drawings, with classical themes, references, and backdrops, to the exciting storyline. Translation and Glossary – Tres Mures Caeci has five pages of explanatory notes so that children and adults alike can become familiar with the story in English, as well as learn about the Latin words that comprise the story. Readers can download audio files of Tres Mures Caeci read in English and Latin. Therefore they can be confident that their pronunciation will conform to the one most commonly used in Latin instruction. Simple Vocabulary – Tres Mures Caeci features less than 100 different vocabulary words, drawn from the most popular classical authors like Caesar, Cicero, Ovid and Vergil, each carefully listed and explained in the glossary. Multiple Tenses – children are exposed in an unobtrusive way to the present, imperfect, future, perfect, and pluperfect tenses. Mixed Declension – parents will like the fact that children hear the combination of nouns and adjectives from each of the five different declensions.

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